Marcello Molezzi: Master's Dissertation
University of the Witwatersrand
Completed (July 2017)
Modelling the Witwatersrand Basin: A window into Neoarchaean-Palaeoproterozoic crustal-scale tectonics
3D geological modelling and strato-structural analysis of the central uplift region of the Vredefort impact crater, using a spatially integrated dataset of surface mapping, boreholes, and 2D reflection seismics; with implications for Neoarchaean-Palaeoproterozoic tectonics and giant impact crater formation.
Publication of M.Sc. Dissertation
Mesoarchaean-Palaeoproterozoic crustal-scale tectonics of the central Witwatersrand basin - Interpretation from 2D seismic data and 3D geological modelling
The Witwatersrand Basin represents one of the largest exposures of Meso-Neoarchaean rock on Earth and hosts the Vredefort Dome at its geographic centre. The southern half of the basin is covered by thin Palaeozoic to early Mesozoic marginal sequences of the Karoo Supergroup. However, visualisation and analysis of this unexposed portion of the basin can be achieved in a 3D geomodelling environment through the integration of geophysical (2D reflection seismics) and traditional geological data. In this study, the 3D structural architecture around the Vredefort Dome in the Witwatersrand Basin is evaluated to establish strato-tectonic relationships, first-order scale structures, and a new model for the architecture of basement rocks. From the geological modelling, several strato-structural features have been identified in the seismic sections, including a well-developed listric fault system in the southwest, a prominent fold system observed in the Transvaal Supergroup, and a large listric fault in the east that offsets the aforementioned fold system. Integration of these geophysical and geological data (in 3D space) has provided 3D constraints on the volumes for the Witwatersrand Supergroup, Ventersdorp Supergroup and Transvaal Supergroup to the south, southeast and east of the Vredefort Dome.
Media extracts from the M.Sc. Dissertation
Plan Map: Location of Study Area (Vredefort Dome, South Africa)

Plan Map: Data sets of Study Area

3D View: Interpreted 2D reflection seismic profiles projected in 3D space, outlining a large listric fault system (colours are transparent to show seismic reflections)

3D View Slider: Final geological model displayed with/without the Phanerozoic cover
3D View: Basement volume with constraining wireframe data, illustrating the Vredefort Dome (central uplift of the impact crater) in the center

2D Cross Section: Central uplift collar rocks in the western margin of the Vredefort dome, interpreted from 2D seismic data, drillholes, and surface mapping

1) Vredefort impact time-step simulation (illustrations taken from Figure 13 and 14 of Ivanov, 2005)
2) Construction overview of the 3D geological model, using surface mapping, borehole data, and 2D reflection seismic surveys